Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Loved & lost or never have loved at all?

'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

This is an old phrase taken out of Alfred Tennyson's poem 'In Memoriam:27'. Do you agree with it? Is it really better to never have loved at all? In my opinion i think it's better to have loved and lost. Most things in our lives are temporary, and eventually nothing in life is ever going to be permanent. Everyone suffers loss in one form or the other, be it emotional or material.
With that in mind loving someone or getting in to a relationship where you know its doomed (doomed meaning that certain factors prevent the relationship from "going anywhere") from the start is really not that bad. Don't be afraid to fall in love. See where it takes you. If its meant to be its meant to be, and if it isn't well you'll always have that 'memorable dinner' or 'that special kiss'.
But what if you meet "the one"? The one person you know is your soulmate, the someone you want to spend the rest of your life and grow old with? Do you just take your chances and see where 'it' goes knowing that its never going to happen? Is it better to go through the unimaginable pain and suffering of loss or stop it from ever happening so you dont get hurt in the end? Well thats a tough one.....
The right thing to do is to stop it from ever happening, thus sparing yourself the heartache and misery that comes with breaking up. But protecting yourself like this all the time shuts you out from love, eventually ending up a miserable, lonely individual destined to live alone for the rest of their time on this planet. I say if you can deal with with breaking up go with loving & losing. Spending time with that special someone though limited has to be worth something. Hey theres always just being "friends", right? leave a comment if you want.... i'd like to know how other people feel about this subject.



Anonymous said...

i agree with what u say its better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all...i've truly fallen in love only twice in my life...the second time i literally 'fell in love'....before we realised it there wanst a moment that went by without the two of us wanting to talk or text each other...right now im crazy about this guy and i know in the end its jus going to end with alot of heart ache and pain...if i know whats good for me i shouldnt be chatting to him and going out with him etc...coz at some point in our lives we will have to go our seperate ways and there will be nothing any of us can do about it...but im willing to take the risk...

of a cuddlywuddly & a monstrously cute creature said...

Well, it's always difficult to take that 'chance' because for me...that is the scariest thing in the world. But I think it's got to do with that gut feeling. It's not like you could pinpoint that feeling, or that someone could write you a set of guidelines...but if you feel like he/she is the 'one', guess you should go for it...regretting on choices you never made and always thinking 'what if' is indeed horrid!

thephatone said...

thanx for your insight guys...

Horus said...

How do you define loosing in love? Is it when you call it a day after waiting for so long? Or is it when the other party calls it a day? What if you don't give up on the one you love? What if you decide to wait a lifetime, do you still loose?

Dude, I just ask the questions these days......

thephatone said...

my definition of losing in love is when both 'parties' finally understand that the relationship is going nowhere and realise that it has to end. And if you don't give up on the one you love and you know its not going to happen... then you have issues. No... but seriously think of it, if you know its not going to happen why waste youre life believing that one day you will be together?. As they say "there are other fish in the sea". Hope that answers your questions....