Saturday, August 02, 2008

straight or crooked?

That's the title of a blog post i recently read.

It just angers me there are people who still think like this.

please comment on it.

i'll write more on my views of it soon.

oh and spread the word.


Anonymous said...

Why bother dude....idiots will be idiots, just let them inhabit their own little stupid worlds. If and when they start to take action on their moronic prejudices, then a swift kick up the arse would be warranted.

thephatone said...

i know....its not really worth arguing with the 'blogger', because clearly he doesn't posses an iota of intelligence. Never mind the content, check out the grammar! haha :)

TheWhacksteR said...

the grammar is not really relevant here..if you are offended that is all and well with regard to the nature of the aritcle (which i shall not comment on here) and it's impact on your beliefs. But taking pot shots with insults at that person doesnt make you any better than him.

thephatone said...

Fine, sorry bout the pot shots.

Anonymous said...

I read the blog post that's managed to make a big commotion here...

well... although I wouldn't want to comment on anyone's straight or not-so-straightness, I would like to leave this comment to you.

reacting to that blog post the way you did, only confirms to your self that something is wrong.. there is no right or wrong in this world.. only how all of us look at things.

Living in San Francisco, I sure have noticed one thing about this topic.

Some people are really free about it (which doesn't mean they go around trying to prove it..)

and others.. they try hard to SHOW they are free when in fact they end up doing the total apposite.

True freedom of living who you are, comes from freeing your self within... so which type would you like to be?

Pls note: this comment has nothing to with addressing sexuality... just to comment on how anyone might want to live regardless what their sexuality is...

great day!

Unknown said...

Hi man, thanks a lot for promoting my blog.... I appreciate your effort and keep reading my blog........ take care.....