Thursday, February 01, 2007

I've been gone quite a while now na?

Well, where do I start? Got back to SL after an amazing time in the Philippines, thanks to my cousins. Miss you guys! Life is going on as usual, apart from a few changes...... like quiting my job at The Beach and deciding to stay here in Sri lanka instead of going to Australia.

Anyways, I've shifted to a new house in Negombo, Kurana to be exact. Its By the Negombo lagoon and has a pool =D.

I've been stuck in my mums office......indefinitely. She fractured her foot and i have to help her move around in the factory, so im on the net like for 10 hours. Theres nothing else to do but check my mail every 10 minutes hehe. How jobless I've become.

I really miss my friends! Kanya, Shaneen, Nikki! If you're reading this "I MISS YOU GUYS!!!!"

I'll be going to ACBT from march. Travelling is going to be a bitch.

Wow....i really dont know what else to say. My brain is not functioning as well as it used to.

Forgive the half-assed attemp at a post.

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