Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sorry to all the people that were offended by the picture i posted on my blog. in my deffence i found the picture on google and didnt really see the picture as offensive at that time. this was my fault. im sorry

Valentines day
Hate it or love it here's some info on the origins of valentines day, before it became a commercial gold mine.

There are many possible creation legends when it comes to the day that we affectionately call St. Valentine's Day. According to The History Channel, the first of these legends suggests that St. Valentine was a third century Roman priest who lived during a time when Claudius II decided that single men made much stronger soldiers and no longer allowed marriage. Valentine, who did not agree with this, performed marriages for young lovers in secret, thus making him the saint of love.

Another possibility is that Valentine was killed for helping Christians escape from Roman prisons where the Christians were being beaten and tortured, allowing them to be reunited with their loved ones.

In another legend, St. Valentine was in prison where he fell in love with a prison guard's daughter with whom he wrote love notes that he signed 'From your Valentine.'

Well there you have it romantic myth or Hallmark cash cow? You decide.



Anonymous said...

your drawing is sick. Go to a fuckin mental therapist. i hope you burn in hell

Anonymous said...

don even joke around like that dude, i had a very close friend that died on that day and this picture does NOT bring feelings of love and joy...

Anonymous said...

That pic's freaking awesome. Great job. The other 2 commenter's suck.

Anonymous said...

The drawing is nice... but that is really sickly upsetting that it was put into a day of love when that was a day of terror and horrorrr

Anonymous said...

you obviously have a deranged mind, you are mentally sick!! would you put that up if your mom was in the twin towers on that day. time to grow up

Anonymous said...

w0w! Nice work ... people need to wake the fuck up and shut the fuck up.

This cuntry didnt care about anyone ( family or friends ) that worked there or might have been there that day, as they ( the govt ) let it happen and then took both buildings down ... killing more people than the jets that they flew into the towers in the first place.

exactly last poster - time to grow up ;]

Anonymous said...

Although this is a sick picture. Most of your comments are coming from a Cafe Mom who posted this link. http://www.cafemom.com/journals/read.php?post_id=708967

Anonymous said...

Sad. Very sad. I can not even believe someone would even joke like that! Do you even know what really went on that day!? You MUST be a child.

Anonymous said...

Hey asswipe 2 posters above me. Those comments were here already. wah wah wah! Are we a tattle tail now? Grow up and get a life. You know who I am.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and? LOL Blah blah... Get a fuckin life douch bag. What's with the finger on your picture? TRYING to look sexy? lol You're just trying to get a clique for yourself. Oh ahhhh hey look at me and this site. Did you get an award for it? Dumb ass You know who this is..... Popular? NOT!

Anonymous said...

This is Baz. I have to say that the commenter before me is really quite a coward. It IS easy to hide behind a website when you are anonymous isn't it? I LOVE you avatar bonkers. I'm going to emulate it myself. Look at it tomorrow. It will be up.

Anonymous said...

i don't know if i'm more offended by your completely tasteless sense of "humor" or your horrible artistic skills... they both suck. bad.

Anonymous said...

hi,its a cool picture but it is still sad anyway's nice job

Anonymous said...

haha peeps died in 9 eleven! who cares bush had it comin. well im gonna cut myself now

Anonymous said...

well done cutting you other posters fuckin suck that pic is awesme

Anonymous said...

Way to soon, this is sick, you need help

Anonymous said...

I thought it was kinda cute!! Nice work but all you people that are gettin mad... get the fuck over yourself! Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

A bit..risque, but still funny. :) People need to chill.

Anonymous said...

people need to chill the fuck out.
9-11 is way over and done with.
yeah ik i didnt lose anybody in it
but people are WAY WAY WAY too dramatic over it.
i mean come on
the picture is cute :]

Anonymous said...

I think it is messed up.
But its really cute too.
People need to get over
the fact that shit happens.

Anonymous said...
